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address:1st Floor Building No,D.ZhengQiangDa Industry Park,XiangYang Road,ShiGu Community,TangXia,Dongguan,GuangDong Province

phone:+86 -153 6168 1930


What are NdFeB Magnet Grades?

A magnet grade is a good measure of the strength of a magnet.   In general, higher numbers indicate a stronger magnet. 


The number comes from an actual material property, the Maximum Energy Product of the magnet material, expressed in MGOe (Mega Gauss Oersteds).   It represents the strongest point on the magnet’s Demagnetization Curve, or BH Curve. 


The pull force from a magnet varies with the grade or N number.   Double the N number and you’ll find roughly double the pull force. M-H represents different degrees of temperature resistance.

The process of creating a permanent magnet is an intricate and interesting one. If you have more questions about magnet-making or products, Welcome contact Jugo Magnet freely!

+Dongguan Jugo Magnet Co.,Ltd

 +Contact:    Ms.Wendy


 +Skype:      jugosales

What are NdFeB Magnet Grades?

巨高磁电 (4).jpg